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International Women’s Day Celebration 2023 – Luncheon

International Women’s Day Celebration 2023 – Luncheon

Pro-Vice-Chancellors cum Co-Chairpersons of the Women Academics Sub-Committee Professor Sham Mai-har and Professor Anthony T.C. Chan, and nearly 50 male and female advisors and advisees from the Women Academics Support Network (formerly known as Female Researchers Support Network) attended the luncheon for International Women’s Day 2023, first time after the pandemic, in support of women academics.  Participants heard from the Co-Chairpersons the work report on the Sub-Committee and the touching story by an advisee and her two advisors on how she was motivated to pursue her career development.  The Support Network aims to promote professional and social interactions among female academic staff through mentoring by senior male and female academics as the advisors in the pursuit of their career goals.